Yonetsuru > Yamagata > Japan

Yonetsuru > Yamagata > Japan
Yonetsuru Sake Brewery was founded in the Edo Period of Japan, with a history of 300 years (1697).
The brewery is in Takahata Town, located in the southern part of Yamagata Prefecture and at the northeast of Yonezawa City. Yonetsuru has special interests in "rice" as ingredient. The "Takahata Sake Rice Group", organized by local farmers including brewery workers, has grown sake rice since 1983. As a result of its activities, it has developed original rice suitable for sake brewing named "Kissui", and Yonetsuru has introduced two sake products of Junmai (fine) and Junmai Daiginjo (finest).
The brewing of Yonetsuru, carefully performed by local workers with original skills, is based on harmony with nature and people. We are trying to brew soft and honest sake specific to the snow region.

Yonetsuru Website
Junmai Daiginjo – Long Life
Flavorful type. Fruity aromas of banana and pear. Round taste is nicely balanced with sweet flavors.
SMV: +2

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